Toge, taoge or tauge ?

Hmmm… gak tau yg bener yg mana, toge – taoge – or tauge ? yg jelas bahasa inggrisnya bean sprout 🙂 Hik2… poor me, I even have to make my own bean sprout or toge in this country 😦 Not sure whether toge is a common veggie here.

First time I saw toge here was the canned toge, how weird is that. Hubby said they use toge for salad, hmmm… sounds even more weird to me 😦  In Indo, we only have fresh toge and it is very popular in our daily meal, with tofu (bean curd) or for veggie in soto soup, gado2…

Then a friend of mine said that one of the supermarket here has fresh toge. I was so happy to hear that and went there to have a look. Yes, they did have toge, but I almost fainted when I looked at the price. One small pack of toge costs 17 kroner here. With that sum of money, I could buy like 5 kgs of toge in Indo and invite 50 ppl to have a toge party he2…

Making my own toge was not that difficult. My first experiment turned out okay, not as good/fat/long as the toge in Indo of course. All I need is a little toge making knowledge I got from… hmmm… was it in the kindergarten or elementary school ? Can make a lot of toge with just two handfuls of green/mung beans and water. Keep the beans in water over night, then spread them on a wet cloth, keep them in warm place for about 2 nights (add water if cloth get dry).

What did I do with my toge this time ? I stir-fried with garlic, add some pork and salty china kol, cooking recipe from home, hmmm… nyam2 🙂 Senang juga bisa bikin toge sendiri, hurray !!!

Next time I will try to make “tempe”. No tempe sold here 😦 Will have to wait a little longer tho, cos I don’t have the tempe starter right now. I miss eating tempe goreng so much, apalagi dicocol sambel cabe rawit… asyiiik sekaleee 🙂